Trucking Accidents

Very serious injuries or death often occur as a result of collisions with semi tractor-trailers. Early involvement of an attorney is critical to preserving and testing the critical evidence in these cases.

News reports often show the disturbing remains of trucking accidents: Smoke and chaos fill the screen as innocent people often are catastrophically injured or maimed. If these images sound dramatic, then consider the fact that trucking accidents rarely result in minor injuries. In most cases, they bring massive destruction and result in severe injuries or death for both victim and instigator.
Hundreds of truck drivers every year cause devastating accidents that might have been avoided if they had adhered to proper federal regulations regarding safety procedures or simply paid attention. Trucking accidents happen more often than you might think and often the trucking company, as well as the driver, bears responsibility.

If you or someone you love has been the victim of a trucking accident, contact the Law Firm of Douglas A. MacLean, Ltd. either by calling us or filling out the case evaluation below.

Free Case Evaluation

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